Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mother's Milk

Our existence as an independent individual started after stepping out from mother’s womb. It suddenly threw us into this wild cycle of demand and supply, based on our needs and wants, for survival and sustenance. What is the first thing that we’d demanded after been thrown into this cycle? And what was the first action we performed in order to fulfil that demand? Yes, the first need we experienced is that of hunger, as the umbilical-chord wasn’t placed anymore to fulfil our necessity. And the first action we engaged was to suck hard on mother’s breast in order to satiate our hunger by receiving our first accolade – mother’s milk.


Before moving further, let’s develop a basic esoteric understanding on ‘milk’. The maximum generator of milk, may well be attributed to the cows. Cow, called as ‘goo’ (गो), also means, the ‘senses’ in Sanskrit. And, we release our senses (गो) in this world to sense, locate and feed itself with the worldly diet; ‘grass’ in case of cows. Subsequently, upon performing some karma (here, grazing), the intake once processed, turns into milk - a material of nourishment. Milk, may thus be metaphorized as the ‘results of our karma’, performed through senses. Going a little further, this transformed result (कर्मफल) does not get delivered by itself and requiredirected action, what we know as ‘milking the cow’ through its four udders, representing the four objectives where our actions (पुरुषार्थ) must be diverted towards – dharma (धर्म), artha (अर्थ), kaama (काम) & moksha (मोक्ष).


In a similar fashion, after taking birth, mother’s milk is the first-most accolade that as a human child we were gifted with, through the first-most karma that we performed, in order to fulfill our first-most demand. No wonder, our ancient texts referring to Mother Goddess, have spoken objectively and categorically on the importance of mother’s milk acquired through her breasts. 


To quote a few,


“…तारा नायक शेखरां स्मितमुखी मापीन वक्षोरुहाम्…” (from श्रीललिता ध्यानम्) आपिण वक्षोरुहम  meaning, fully developed chest (breasts) पूर्ण विकसित वक्ष.


“…स्तनभार-दलन्मध्य-पट्टबन्ध-वलित्रया…” (from श्रीललिता सहस्रनाम)… meaning, the weight of her breasts creating three parallel lines on her waist.


तुंगपीन पयोधरा…” (from बाला त्रिपुरसुन्दरी सहस्रनाम)…. meaning, the rising breasts full of milk.


घनस्तनभरोन्नतां…” (from त्रिपुरसुन्दरी स्तोत्रम्)…. meaning, filled (completed) with rising dense breasts.         


उत्तुंगपीनकुचकुंभ…” (from श्रीसरस्वती ध्यानम्)…. meaning, high and rising breasts.

It is essentially clear that whenever we have reverentially contemplated to the almighty in the form of mother (and we as her child), we have clearly objectified her in human form, with vivid description of her physical self. And especially mother’s milk, esoterically signifying to us the fruits of our karma. If the act of intaking mother’s milk is indicative of our karma, we would know from practical experience that very soon the milk supply gets diminished after the child has been fed for a while. And then in order to continue to breastfeed, a mother has to reorient the child from the other direction. This act leaves us with this message that our endeavours (कर्म) must not be unidirectional. On one hand if it is directed toward acquisition of भोग (sustenance in the outer world), the need to do karma leading to the other direction, towards मोक्ष (liberation in the inner world) is quintessentially mandatory. 


Which probably is why it has been said…


यत्रास्ति भोगो नहिं तत्र मोक्ष:

यत्रास्ति मोक्षो नहिं तत्र भोग:

श्री सुन्दरी सेवन तत्पराणां,

भोगश्च मोक्षश्च करस्थ एव।

Where there is worldly enjoyment, there is no salvation;

Where there is salvation, there is no worldly enjoyment.

But the worshipers of Sri Tripura Sundari,

they will attain both the realisation of the highest truth and the worldly pleasure.

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